Which Country Has the Most Powerful Passport? Find Out India’s Rank!

To travel to any country, it is essential to have a passport. Without a passport, you cannot visit another country. Each country’s passport has its own identity and strength, which determines how many countries you can enter without a visa.
According to a new report by London-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners, Singapore holds the title of having the world’s most powerful passport this year. As per the Henley Passport Index, Singapore ranks first with 195 points, meaning Singaporean passport holders can travel to 195 countries without requiring a prior visa.
This firm releases passport rankings annually. Based on this passport ranking, it becomes clear how powerful a country’s passport is.
Second and Third Positions
According to the Henley Passport Index, Japan ranks second with a score of 193 means citizens of Japan can travel to 193 countries without a prior visa. Meanwhile, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Spain jointly hold the third position on the Henley Passport Index in 2025. Citizens of these countries can travel to 192 countries visa-free.
Europe Dominates the Top Charts
Following the Asian countries, European nations strongly appear in the Top 10 chart of the leaderboard. Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden are in fourth place, with citizens having visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 191 countries. New Zealand, United Kingdom and Switzerland share the fifth position with 190, while Australia and Greece hold the sixth spot with 189 countries to access whereas Canada, Malta and Poland are jointly ranked seventh with 188 countries without requiring a prior visa.
India Can Travel to 57 Countries
India ranks 85th on the Henley Passport Index, with 57 points. This means Indian citizens can travel to 57 countries either without a prior visa or by obtaining a visa on arrival. India shares this position with Guinea and Niger, both of which are located in West Africa.
The World’s Weakest Passports
According to a report, Afghanistan has the world’s weakest passport followed by Iraq and Syria. These countries have been ranked between 104 and 106 on the Henley Passport Index. As for India’s neighboring country, Pakistan, it has the fourth weakest passport in the world from the bottom. The Pakistani passport is ranked 103, allowing its citizens visa-free entry to only 33 countries followed with Yemen.